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Spring Break, OVERKILL and Completely OVERKILL Pack update

HEISTERS! As you might have seen here: Status on the OVERKILL Pack The Hype Train is moving along nicely thanks to your efforts! Our thanks to everyone who jumped on and participated so far! Thanks to Dennaton Games and their fans as well for adding some much needed fuel in order to reach our destinations. To you who did not board yet... you can thank the others later. ;) The 5 dollar OVERKILL PACK has grown a lot, not only including the Minigun, RPG, achievements, escape van and the…
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Hype Train – Seventh Destination Reached

HEISTERS! We've reached the sevent destination of the Hype Train event! This unlocks the Bonnie Character Pack reward. Destination Reward: Bonnie is out of jail and wants to get back into her old trade: robbing banks. Bonus Reward: 10% additional XP in-game in PAYDAY 2 for everyone in the community for the release of Infamy 2.0 on the 5th of March. The Destination reward will be unlocked during the Spring Break event in March. Check the Hype Train website here! Support the Hype Train with Hype Fuel by buying the…
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Patch 53.1 is live

Heisters, We're live with patch 53.1. Patch 53.1 changelog Update size: 15.2MB General Removed content that wasn't supposed to be in the game AK/CAR Mod Pack achievements Updated the description on "$1.8M Speedrun" Updated the description on "Here Comes the Pain Train" Q: Aren't the AK/CAR Mod Pack the same mods as in the Hype Train image? A: No. They are two different mod packs and the image on the Hypetrain site isn't a representation of the final content. Happy heisting! Andreas OVERKILL - a Starbreeze Studio. Via: Steam Community
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Hype Train – Sixth Destination Reached

Heisters, we're moving in an awesome speed! We've reached the sixth destination of the Hype Train event! This unlocks the Golden GRIN Casino Preview reward. Destination Reward: We will do a preview where we talk about the last job of the Dentist, and what makes it special. Bonus Reward: 10% additional XP in-game in PAYDAY 2 for everyone in the community for the release of Infamy 2.0 on the 5th of March. The Destination reward will be unlocked during the Spring Break event in March. Check the Hype Train website…
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Update 53 and The Butcher’s AK/CAR Mod Pack is LIVE!

HEISTERS! We're live with update 53 and with the Butcher's AK/CAR Mod Pack DLC! Update 53 changelog Update size: 91,7 MB The Bomb Heists DLC 10 new weapon mods for the AK family 10 new weapon mods for the CAR family 4 new dinosaur masks 4 new patterns 4 new materials Achievements Added 8 new achievements Q: The DLC is named Ameno? A: Yes, temporarily it has this glorious name until Valve fixes the issue. Q: Offshore PAYDAY is back!? A: Yes! Enjoy it while it lasts! Q: Is…
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Hype Train – Fifth Destination Reached

Guys, this is crazy. We've reached another destination! We've reached the fifth destination of the Hype Train event! This unlocks the Car Shop Heist reward. Destination Reward: It’s time to steal some very good looking cars as fast as possible without anyone noticing. Introducinh a new heist - The Car Shop Heist. Bonus Reward: 10% additional XP in-game in PAYDAY 2 for everyone in the community for the release of Infamy 2.0 on the 5th of March. The Destination reward will be unlocked during the Spring Break event in March.…
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PAYDAY 2: Crimewave Edition coming to Xbox One and PlayStation 4!

CONSOLE HEISTERS! We're excited to announce PAYDAY 2: Crimewave Edition for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, coming out in June 2015! PAYDAY 2: Crimewave Edition is coming to Xbox One and PlayStation 4 in June! For us, this is the ultimate heisting experience on the new generation consoles, featuring more than a year of post-release content at release, such as Old Hoxton, Clover, Dragan, the Big Bank Heist, the Diamond Heist and much more. It also features new technical updates like improved framerate, 1080P resolution and improved texture quality. Q:…
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The Butcher’s AK/CAR Mod Pack – Day 3 is live

HEISTERS! We're live with the final day of the the Butcher's AK/CAR Mod Pack! We’ve had a new batch of masks prepared for you. These were a special commission for Chains. We’ll let him explain: “You want to know why I was so nuts over these dinosaur masks a couple years back? Ever since I was a little kid, I always wanted to be a dinosaur. Don’t laugh. Seriously, man. The idea that, once, long ago, these giant fucking lizards, tall as houses, stomped about the hood… oh man, what…
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Hype Train – Fourth Destination Reached

HEISTERS! WHAT DID YOU DO?! We're moving with demonic speed! We've reached the fourth destination of the Hype Train event! This unlocks the Heist Updates reward. Destination Reward: We take 2 popular multi-day heists and make them into stand alone heists. Bonus Reward: 10% additional XP in-game in PAYDAY 2 for everyone in the community for the release of Infamy 2.0 on the 5th of March. The Destination reward will be unlocked during the Spring Break event in March. Check the Hype Train website here! Watch the…
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HOTLINE MIAMI 2 + PAYDAY 2 Collaboration!

Introducing Jacket as a playable character in PAYDAY 2 Heisters, this is a great day. Once more, OVERKILL and Dennaton Games work together to bring you something awesome. When you pre-order Hotline Miami 2 or its Digital Special Edition, we’re giving you extra PAYDAY 2 loot to go with it. Did you ever want to play as Jacket in PAYDAY 2? Now’s your chance. Check out the website: Buy Hotline Miami 2 here: Make sure to get the Digital Special Edition and support our friends at Dennaton Games!…
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