Weapon Skins: Stickers

A sticker is an image that can be applied on the weapon, consisting of a Diffuse Map and an Alpha Channel. Stickers can be controlled in X and Y position and you can alter the width, height, scale and the rotation of the sticker. There’s an additional quality influence controller available.

File Restrictions

Applies to the power of two, and can’t be larger than 1024×1024. But they can be 1024×512. Most importantly is the maximum dimension of 1024px, but both sides does not have to be equally sized. Save the file in RGB mode as a TarGA file (*.tga) with no compression and with Alpha Channels enabled in 32 bits/pixel resolution. file (*.tga) with no compression and with Alpha Channels enabled in 32 bits/pixel resolution.

Diffuse Map

A Diffuse Map is the result of all three RGB channels.

Alpha Channel

The Alpha Channel defines the opacity and specular control. 0-10 is opacity, with 0 being completely transparent and 10 being fully shown. 25-255, with 25 equaling no specular and 255 is maximum specular.

Edge Restrictions

Make sure that at least 10% of the border of the image is empty, otherwise the image can Bleed.